We here at the log bay, meat locker incident have sent our scouts deep - they went protected and have returned an updated report on Wonderfuldildostatuecastleville!
Most importantly, using their pre-war cameras they took this holiday snap of the two prime offenders in the latest weekend a Bernies stunt.
Since it just got serious now, we'll start with the update:
While almost successful, some citizens decided it wasn't the best idea to die and join in on the fun. 6 hours into town, we have uncovered all but 12 teeny tiny little squares on our teeny tiny little non-distant region. Plissken is right on top of Luby (seems nothing changes) and our 20th scout - the famous (WHO?!) brother of Miss Tits - Rckent!
Our newest recurit Tizuki has made himself right at home, starting a tribute thread to those who couldn't be bothered with the whole dying thing. We all took a moment as instructed before kean4311 decided to show us his manscaping. The entire town now rejoyces in the fact that penises have been mentioned.
Nyx was at it again within minutes asking dumb scouting questions involving pigs and arrows. Team meatlocker HQ wasn't sure but gave her polite smiles none-the-less. imirk needs to man up and post in all caps and abuse the spoiler tag in the world forums
Geen was very confused by the burkas and saying crazy shit about ATM machines - mistaking the invading heroes for some pack of strange, weird sex cult. Might not have missed the mark so much there.... and on a final note - "Don't put items in the Bank it attracts zombies, leave them outside." - best advice so far.
I saw the real news article about those 2 guys. They found their friend dead and took him out on the town for the night. With the dead friend in the car they used his credit cards to drink in his memory. Then returned him home and called 911.