Behind the Meat Locker

The Meat Locker Incident, is not always so proud to present: "The Meat Locker Incident"

Not exclusively our editors, writers, loggers, journalists, professionals, office slaves and coffee drones have come under the umbrella of "The Meat Locker Incident"

Our deep gratitude goes to the Hole of Armageddon for being such a homely place for us to wreak havoc. Ever since, we have established that all legal action against us be taken to the "People's Court".

The following were the first of those given the important task of "accidentally" going into our meat locker:

10+55ZardziskoMeat Locker
10+55jak3099Meat Locker
10+55MelmothMeat Locker
10+55Saq02Meat Locker I thought this town was okay at first, but now... It's just full of douchebags.
9+45CrystlMethodistMeat Locker 
9+45DuckHuntProMeat Locker
9+45cockhahnMeat Locker
9+45bernadeMeat Locker 

 [ed: and here I was thinking all the douche bags went into the Meat Locker]

 A particularly helpful subject was that of:

8+36routemaster1982Meat Locker 
Notably revered for stating: 
“i am going to focus on converting resources today so i will require 1 food item and 1 drug”
"guys i built another upgraded batter launcher so we can use the fried batterries"   
After these atrocious acts there was much inner turmoil, debates about human rights issues and the arising demand for tissues issue. Many statements of justification that have been over time written up, published, stamped, signed and processed:
  • It was an unfortunate accident involving massive amounts of coincidental miss-clicking 
  • The People's Court looked like good fun
  • Well we didn't like those guys anyway 
  • We saved them from a cruel brain chomping death
The most agreed upon may arguably be in fact the "locker or be lockered" theory.

From then on the phrase "Meat Locker Incident" was understood under many terms:
  1. Wreaking havoc in die2nite in general for one's personal amusement
  2. Getting things done the way we want them done
  3. Not caring about the community scrutiny 
A more definitive definition was contributed by Shepherd, however not widely accepted as the official definition.

(Pre-Warning: any unsuspecting clickers must blame any lost innocence on Shepherd)

Definition: Meat Locker

Yours Sincerely,

The Meat Locker Incident


  1. This is so hilarious. So glad to be part of the KCCP and Hole Arm

  2. funefunbee xdxdx lolololol fune fune i loughe muche xdxd eee funney

  3. Question...did you ever happen to meat-lock someone named Gallade?

  4. Afraid not, should this be on the to-do list?

  5. Haha! The Meat Locker Incident is like one of the most funniest stuff n junk I am currently reading Die2Nite related! Keep up the good work! :D

    (avoid #4... at all costs)

  6. Stuff n Junk!

    We'd be real impressed at anyone who claims to have actually read the entire long and strong MLI. In fact we'll offer you a biscuits or small quantities of chocolate. Cherries if you're not all down with the brown.
