Sep 1, 2011

Caring for the future:

A hot topic right now on the world forums, even so much that its been stickied! By who!? I don't know! Do you? Does Anyone? Is it at all relevant? Is Wrought Iron really the choice of perverts?! Question?

Please take a moment to consider the meat lockers words for starting a season 3 town!

You have a voice!
Please make sure you post constantly on the world forums! Ignore your town forums, those guys are just a bunch of chumps working towards a common goal. Even if a thread is directed at you, just ignore it, couldn't be important anyways.

and get stuck at the water processing plant. Make sure you use all your ap, food, water, booze and drugs to try to fight your way out before camping and claiming the building as "yours"

Take total advantage of the external applications! Just add random items here and there, set a trap for other citizens, lure them in with the promise of wrought iron beyond your wildest dreams then leave them hanging when they get surrounded by a pack of maniac hookers.

Take! Manbags, 7 ap food, booze drugs, take the lot and keep them on your person hours before the next attack! no one else would want to use that crap.

put! soem ap itno the energy but make sure we only need to put 1-3 ap to fully complte it. I mean a little investment is ok and all and i put all my ap inot the food so I'm glad i diden;t make a noob mistake. But we should focus soon on the water.

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