Sep 2, 2011

Five Days of Camping

day one 


00:15 has left the town... only taking one water ration and his initial supplies of two food and one kwikfix 12 zeds abandoned construction site someone kills 2 - then kills 8 with beer fridge and one with battery launcher camp

day two

scottish smith's superstore, cleared out number of ap - killed 11 zeds, someone goes crazy doing laundry and someone else hits back again with beer fridge - last zed runs off over night

day three

herioc return

has discovered the blueprints for the Grater! This required the construction of the Wall Upgrade v1.

scavenged enough supplies to build trolley, deposited blueprints and battery launcher. loaded up on some exploding water bomb, water, repair kit and chain

Headed out again, another building in the west - killed 10 with exploding bomb, 1 with battery launcher. Ate, Drugs, Drank water, Found 7 ap food at superstore,

upgraded zone, cleared 4 ap worth of rubble to reveal another super store.


day four.

scavenged on way, found twin, booze,

moved to building north east of location. Uncovered minimart with 14 ap, scored 7 kills with chain before it broke then another 2, another 1 and 2 with a uppercut

scavenged for 5 a/s - drank wake the dead at last minute - upgraded zone with 2 ap and hid in a tomb and kissed ass goodbye

day five

Survived at minimart despite some douche crashing party. Forget that guy, went to north west corner of map. Scavenged up 3 vodkas and wrought iron. camped. Died.

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