* Proper grammar is for suckers so don't be afraid to type whateverwhenever you want
* Always include a friend for no reason who joins you in your rpg
* Only ever make one initial post. Don't follow it up and continue the story..... keep em waiting!
* If you aren't clever enough to come up with your own INDY901 rpg then just copy/paste anything that has been crappily translated to English... find a character and insert your name so you look like a badass. Now just erase all the punctuation, combo all the paragraphs and presto!
Installation and cohabitation are not made without difficulty Fran must win with men, who make decisions without herespecially after they discovered she was pregnant We must eliminate the zombies who wander by automaticunconscious memory of their old habits in the mall Should then block the doors through tankers During this operation Roger who hunt zombies have lost all prudence is bitten The small group benefits, for a while, the shopping center Fran seems unhappy with this life devoted solely to the consumer She learns to drive the helicopter Soon after Indy901 must kill Roger which turned into a zombie The three survivors continue their semblance of life until a troop of bikers enter the mall to loot opening from the living dead Steve does not support the invasion in what he considers to be his property hard-won It draws on the bikers The shootout that followed the end of signing some of them eaten by zombies but also that of Steve who turns into a zombieFran decides to flee by helicopter Indy901 decided to wait for the zombies and shooting himself in the head but changed his mind and joined the young woman In the last scene Fran finds he still has some fuel
*legal stuff here. this was somebody else's work that has been indy901-ificated... we have permission <( O_O)> "trust me i'm a pokemon."
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