Oct 25, 2011

The Huge F*cking Robot Predicts the Future

User: Whats gonna happen in season 4?

Cleverbot: I'm gonna leave.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because I'm tired.

User: 12 minutes til you go home huh?

Cleverbot: I don't go to church.

User: Die2Nite season 4 explain.

Cleverbot: Explain what exactly?

User: Will there be ghouls and a new meta cap and private towns?

Cleverbot: There is actually a fire pit.

User: Oh cool! Like the meat locker?

Cleverbot: Yes, exactly!

User: What about ghouls?

Cleverbot: Pie is a food.

User: So there is pie?

Cleverbot: He is your brother.

User: O_o.

Cleverbot: What does touche mean?

User: Do the dildos get bigger?

Cleverbot: He's in the tardis?

User: Explain?

Cleverbot: What I don't understand.

User: Do the dildos get bigger.

Cleverbot: Yes!!!

User: How big?

Cleverbot: Big.

User: Anything else I should know?

Cleverbot: There is always something knew to learn, isn't there?

User: Like spelling?

Cleverbot: Did you have a mother or father?

User: Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes.

Cleverbot: Oh, I don't know that song. Do you like Selena Gomez?


And this is why MLI never lets Pannerz interview anyone
See? Just look at this second attempt!


  1. Impressive Interviewing skills!

  2. But I'm right here and I didn't leave... Why, were you looking for me?
