We here at the log bay, meat locker incident have sent our scouts deep once again - they went protected and have returned an updated report on WonderfuldildoMAYERFASIstatuecastleville!
The unrelenting ramblings of MAYER FASI have ben truely a standout feature for the citizens of this Passed Hotel - his rantings have drawn many critics, some support and a single threat of "all my IDs will not help the town anymore".
These issues have of course, all been addressed by MAYER FASI personally - the vocal few now becoming part of the silent majority once again. With over 500 posts in the first 30 hours - who could really tell anyway?
Keith had a busy night - a hot date with a hotcoed - sorted and endorsed by none other than that matchmaker MAYER FASI. Sly old thing that he is.
Shepherd was understanderbly upset that despite coming through with the goods, he was too stunning in his MC Hammer style parachute pants for the triplets tjtjttj88794, tjtjttj773575639 and 773575639 to bother coming to the party.
TL;DR: Still no very rare print - 5 zones remain unexplored. MAYER FASI
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