Aunty is back for another edition, just briefly before we start - a disclaimer is needed, in no way is Aunty related to 'uncle' Pannerz. We're not even sure if Pannerz is really an uncle at all.... now gather around children....
Today, please take the time to pause and reflect. We have a request from a young man, teamax....
Now, I'm not sure if you are just one man, or an entire team of ax, but you have asked so nice and politely - aunty has some advice for you.
Since you do cross country, you should be no stranger to training hard and more importantly, training smart! My advice is to work up to it, start with a shorter 2 mile course. As your fitness improves so will your stamina! Each week, try adding another mile onto your daily run!
Shoe selection will be very important for you as well, especially considering you want to do track too. A snug fit is best - something that is comfortable to wear when both walking and running, a shoe store should be able to anal-yse your running style and find a fit best for you.
Don't wear extra tight pants either. Your sperm count will be a bazinga bonus
Its also highly suggested that you find a running partner!
Hey! You could ask that chick you mentioned earlier before your question about cross country? Let me know how that works out for you!
YOU. Yes YOU. Need some advice from Aunty Agony? Comment below for some sweet, sweet attention!
Okay... Numba #1 Rule!!! If you want something REALLY bad. You gotta "pounce" on it! ;)